The City of Atascadero will be preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the draft 2045 General Plan. The Project Team recieved several comments from community members and responsible angencies related to the scope of the environmental analysis.
A recent article in the New Times higlights the City's work transforming Downtown and creating a new Vision for the entire city through the ongoing General Plan update project.
The City of Atascadero held a City Council Hearing on March 26th at 6 pm to discuss the 2045 General Plan Update. This included feedback and direction on the areas of potential change, community character, land use, and the rezoning of properties as requested by property owners.
The City of Atascadero will be preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the draft 2045 General Plan. The Project Team recieved several comments from community members and responsible angencies related to the scope of the environmental analysis.
A recent article in the New Times higlights the City's work transforming Downtown and creating a new Vision for the entire city through the ongoing General Plan update project.
The City of Atascadero held a City Council Hearing on March 26th at 6 pm to discuss the 2045 General Plan Update. This included feedback and direction on the areas of potential change, community character, land use, and the rezoning of properties as requested by property owners.