
The Atascadero General Plan Update is a multi-phase and multi-year project. Below is a summary of the overall project schedule and major milestones. A variety of community outreach and public engagement activities will be held during each project phase. Click the folllowing link to download a more detailed schedule: 

  • Completed
  • Current
  • Upcoming

Phase 1: General Plan Scoping

Spring 2022

  • Hold City Council and Planning Commission Project Scoping Meeting
  • Prepare Final General Plan Work Program
  • Prepare Community Involvement Strategy (CIS)
  • Launch Project Website and Online Survey

Phase 2: Discovery and Visioning

August 2022 to March 2023

  • Prepare Background Reports
  • Identify Issues and Opportunities
  • Develop Draft Vision and Guiding Principles
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #1: Vision for the Future

Phase 3: Exploring Alternatives

April 2022 to March 2024

  • Refine Population, Housing, and Jobs Forecasts
  • Study Land Use and Mobility Options
  • Develop "Big Moves" and Major Policy Options
  • Identify Focus Areas and New Placetypes
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #2: Exploring the Possibilities

Phase 4: A Plan for Atascadero 2045

April 2024 to December 2024

  • Hold CEQA Scoping Meeting
  • Prepare Draft 2045 General Plan
  • Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Report
  • Hold Community Engagement Series #3: General Plan Open House

Phase 5: Celebrate Our Future

January 2025 to May 2025

  • Hold Planning Commission Public Hearings
  • Hold City Council Public Hearings
  • Certify the Environmental Impact Report
  • Adopt the 2045 General Plan
  • Create an Interactive Online "ePlan"